Location: San Francisco, California

January 25, 2022

Operator Collective Fund

Operator Collective Fund invests primarily in b2b companies where we can help the leadership team accelerate, grow and scale. Our investment decisions are guided by tech’s most successful enterprise investors.

October 26, 2021

Green Cow Venture Capital

Green Cow Venture Capital [GCVC] is an early-stage venture fund based in San Francisco and New York City that invests at the seed and Series A stage into dynamic founders that combine unparalleled drive, talent, and diverse perspective to solve problems around scarcity and inefficiency in global markets, particularly leveraging technologies like AI, ML and robotics.

1517 Fund

1517 supports teams led by young founders with pre-seed, and seed funding for technology startups.

September 15, 2021

Southeast Asian Community Center

As a nonprofit service provider funded by the City of San Francisco and the US Small Business Administration, we work with entrepreneurs and business owners at the beginning and early stages of their businesses, and as they grow but are not yet ready for commercial lenders.

Working Solutions

Working Solutions is a certified, nonprofit Community Development Financial Institution (CDFI) that works with entrepreneurs who want to start and grow thriving local businesses in the San Francisco Bay Area.

September 2, 2021


Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 in San Francisco, with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive.


Dream it. Fund it. Make it. We help at every step from concept to market.


We’re the world’s largest startup community. We help startups change the world.

Pacific Community Ventures, Inc.

Pacific Community Ventures empowers small business owners and helps impact investors make investments that create shared prosperity and sustainable communities through a “Good Jobs, Good Business” model. We combine affordable loans with pro-bono advising; impact measurement, evaluation and research; and tools and small grants to create good-quality jobs that address racial and gender wealth gaps.

Astia Angels

Astia invests in high-growth companies with women leaders, following their successful completion of our Expert Sift™ process.

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