Focus Area: POC-Led

March 21, 2022

Texas Mezzanine Fund, Inc.

TMF focuses on emerging businesses that have sound management, the potential for growth, a clear strategy for being profitable, and that demonstrate an ability to repay the loan.

September 15, 2021

TruFund Financial Services, Inc.

TruFund provides affordable, responsible financing to small businesses that cannot access financing through traditional sources.

Ascendus (formerly Acción East)

Ascendus is a nonprofit small business lender whose vision is the creation of financial ascension for all, achieved by empowering low-to-moderate income entrepreneurs through access to capital and business support.

Enterprise Center Capital Corporation

The Enterprise Center has a rich and diverse practice supporting minority entrepreneurs and under-resourced communities spanning more than three decades. Our clients and partners trust us to advise and deliver on transformative economic development connected to minority business growth cycles and community wealth-building initiatives. We invest in people and projects at the heart of business and communities in the belief that aligning capital with expertise is the strongest pathway to economic wealth and prosperity.

September 2, 2021

Jumpstart Focus Fund

Our Focus Fund invests seed capital in tech-based companies led by female entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs of color throughout Ohio—as well as those willing to move to the state.

Founders First Capital Partners

Founders First provides revenue-based funding, term loans, advisory services, and accelerator programs to small businesses led by women, people of color, LGBTQ+, military veterans, diverse teams, or businesses located in low- to moderate-income areas.

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