Focus Area: Immigrant Founders
Able ventures seeks to partner with companies that are narrowing the wellness gap: the quantifiable delta that has grown dramatically over the past two decades as economic indicators such as GDP per capita have increased while measures of overall wellbeing, including physical and mental health, have stagnated or decreased.
The Alliance Entrepreneur Program
The Alliance is a leading nonprofit organization for welcoming and empowering those who face financial, educational, health, language or cultural barriers to realizing their dreams.
Unshackled Ventures
We’ve started companies as immigrants—we get it. Our own journeys inspired us to create Unshackled Ventures, so that we could remove the bottlenecks of immigration and amplify your superpowers.
Operator Collective Fund
Operator Collective Fund invests primarily in b2b companies where we can help the leadership team accelerate, grow and scale. Our investment decisions are guided by tech’s most successful enterprise investors.
Common Capital, Inc.
Common Capital is a mission-driven, nonprofit community loan fund working to increase access to capital for small businesses.
Business Impact NW (formerly Seattle Economic Development Fund)
Business Impact NW works with you to provide funding for your small business – from startup to growth capital, our services are designed with you in mind. We work hard to fund small business owners, especially women, veterans, BIPOC, immigrants, LGBTQ+, and disabled entrepreneurs. And as a compassionate lender, we can be more flexible than traditional lenders. We offer loans ranging from $5,000 to $350,000.
Women’s Economic Self-Sufficiency Team
At WESST, we understand the unique challenges and needs of female entrepreneurs. Our Women’s Business Center programs are designed to be flexible
Mercy Corps Northwest
Mercy Corps Northwest is committed to assisting low-income citizens of Oregon and Washington to create more productive, secure and satisfying lives for themselves, their families and their communities. We support them in increasing their economic self-sufficiency and community integration by providing resources and support in their efforts to improve their lives.
Coastal Enterprises, Inc. (CEI)
CEI and its subsidiaries offer business and project financing for a wide range of purposes including working capital, equipment purchases, facilities expansion,
Community First Fund (formerly Finanta)
Community First Fund provides a variety of loans to individuals, businesses and community based organizations. These loans help to start and grow businesses, assist in creating affordable housing, give business owners an opportunity to purchase their business property, and help community nonprofit agencies deliver vital services.